The following libraries are both national libraries that offer a glimpse into the culture and history of the country they represent as well as hold affiliations with universities.

  1. National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This library is open to both those affiliated with the university and general readership, but note that there is not an English version available.
  2. The National and University Library in Zagreb. This library in Croatia offers collections of ancient papers and manuscripts available online.
  3. Copenhagen University Library. In conjunction with the National Library, this site offers a wide range of materials available in both English and Danish.
  4. National and University Library of Iceland. Look at ancient maps of Iceland or explore the multiple databases available on this site. Some areas are restricted to those associated with the university.
  5. National and University Library St. Kliment Ohridski – Skopje. Available in English, this library of the former Yugolslov Republic of Macedonia offers a limited amount of information online, but you can access some databases. Members of the library have access to more sections.
  6. National and University Library of Slovenia. The digital library offers access to many national treasures of Slovenian history. Much of the website can be navigated in English.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 September 2019, 9:23 AM